Sonntag, 31. März 2013

Musical Sunday No. 2

Happy eastern, you beautiful people out there!
Today I'm back with another 'Musical Sunday'. This time I picked two videos again, one of Sam Tsui covering Justin Timberlake's Mirrors and one of Nina Nesbitt covering Chocolate by 1975. Sam Tsui's cover really amazed me, it's so beautiful! The Nina Nesbitt cover is perfect as always, Nina is just one flawless person. I hope you enjoy it!

- Anne

Samstag, 30. März 2013

The Blonde, The Brunette & A Mission

Good evening lovelies!
As I'm lying here in  my bed, listening to Olly Murs and just chatting with some friends, I felt like blogging, so here I am. 
Yesterday and today one of my favourite people, Inga, visited me. She's my absolute favourite around my fangirl friends. I met her through a band one and a half a years ago and I'm really lucky to have her. We don't see each other that often, but whenever we find the time to meet up, we have a blast!
I've already told you about how we'll try to meet 5 Seconds Of Summer when we'll be in London and today we filmed a video for their manager, because we really really want to meet them. If you're interested in the video, it's below.
And when we're already talking about London... aaah it's so close. Just five more day to go until I'll be there! I honestly can't wait.
I hope you all have an amazing weekend and a beautiful easter time!

- Anne

Freitag, 29. März 2013


Hola mis amigos,
this is just a quick post, because I'm super overwhelmed right now. Yesterday I tweeted the following tweet after posting my new blogpost, which is below. And guess who retweeted it? The amazing Louise aka SprinkleOfGlitter. And what happened? My blog complete blew up and gained like 300 views in an hour. This is quite much for me, because as you know, I've just started it and not many people are reading it. Now it has nearly 600 views on that post, thank you so much Louise! I really appreciate it.
And now my mood just went down, because I looked out of the window and it's snowing like crazy. Like what the fuck? It's nearly April. (I wanna cry.)
But whatever.
A few minutes after Louise retweeted my tweet, the next thing happened. Ella, who is also one of my favourite YouTubers, retweeted another one of my tweets and the day before Ashton from 5 Seconds of Summer followed me, so the last two days were quite successful, I guess, haha.
If you checked out my block, thank you, it really means a lot. I love you all. Enjoy your day!

- Anne

Donnerstag, 28. März 2013


today I'm back with a post about 'idols'. I don't really have much idols, like for me it sound so incomprehensible when people say that for example One Direction are their idols. Sure, I'm a One Direction fan, but I would never call them my idols. Idols are in my oppinion people that worked teir asses of to get where they are, fell a few times, but always got up. The only musicians that I idolize are Tyler Ward and Ed Sheeran. They've both done so much to get where they are and they're both very down to earth. Ed is such a nice person, when you meet him and he gives the best hugs. I haven't met Tyler so far, but he really inspires me with his words. He nearly gave up on music when he had his breakthrough and now he is doing what he loves and is really thankful. He always inspires me with the speeches at his concerts, here is an example from the first time when I saw him live. 
I don't know why I can't insert it in the post, but here's the link: 

The next few people that really inspire me are some YouTubers. I made my YouTube channel after I watched Caspar Lee's YouTube story video. I wasn't really sure about it but his video encouraged me to fo it. Please check it out, it's really inspriring.

Alfie Deye's YouTube Story also really encouraged me.

The next two YouTubers I really look up to are Zoe and Louise. They're both such lovely girl, but had also really rough times in the past, but now they do what they really love and that's where I want to be one day. Check their blogs out. They're in the sidebar under 'My Favourite Blogs'.

Also Louise's Draw Your Life video really brought me to tears, she's such a strong girl/ woman.

The last person is Louis. He is also a YouTuber and his Draw My Life video is a big motivation and inspiration.

I think that was it. There are also a few authors that I look up to, because that's what probably want to do one day, but that's another story. Enjoy your evening/ night!

- Anne

Mittwoch, 27. März 2013

Snow or something like that

If you follow me on twitter you might already know about this, but I went skiing for a day on Monday. In my oppinion skiing is the best thing ever to exist on this planet, so it was pretty exciting for me. I always feel so carefree and happy while doing it, haha.
We got up really early and drove to Winterberg, which is a small ski resort in the west (I believe) of Germany. I have never been skiing in Germany, so this was new for me. Normally I spend my skiing holidays in the swiss or austrian alps, but this was just for a day, so whatever. The drove was like 2 hours long. I expected a really small ski resort, but it was actually bigger than I thought and everything was super modern and we had really good weather, except on some hills where we had like a snow storm. There are a lot of different slopes in every degree of difficulty. The snow was perfect and we has a lot of fun. For a one day trip Winterberg is absolutely perfect and I can just recommend it!

- Anne

Sonntag, 24. März 2013

Musical Sundays

Hello, again!
So I had an idea. I do not really know if it is a good one or not, but whatever. Since a have a pretty good taste in music, or at least I like to think so, I thought it might be a good idea to do 'Musical Sundays'. What are 'Musical Sundays'? Yeah, that's a good question, haha.
I will show you a new artist/ artists or song/ songs, that I really like, every Sunday. So *drumroll* here is the first 'Musical Sunday' post, hope you like it!



Hey kids, hey!
I am back with some very exciting news, well at least for me. Guess what? I am going to London for a few days in the easter holidays, which have started on Friday. I'm super excited to go there, since I have never been to London or England. I am absolutely in love with this city and can not wait to go there!
I will be there from the 4th of April until the 7th, which is quite sad, because we will fly home in the morning and 5 Seconds Of Summer, one of my favourite bands will do an Acoustic Concert and Meet & Greet later on this day. (Fuck my life)
Anyway, my friend Inga will be in London, too, at this time and we will still try to meet them. We actually wanted to go to one of the One Direction concerts, just to see 5SOS live, but the tickets are super expensive and the tickets will most likely not arrive here in time. Whatever.
My hotel in London is super close to the Hyde Park, which is quite cool, because it's central and everything is so close! For sure I will go shopping a lot, so expect a Haul video on my YouTube channel.
The weather does not seem to be very good over there at the moment, but I will not let this ruin my trip.
Tips, for what I could do in London, are very welcome. For sure we will go to all the touristic places, like London Eye, Big Ben, probably one of the musicals, etc.
I will most likely be filming everything in a Vlog and upload it later on YouTube.
So for now, that's it. Bye, love you all!

- Anne

Donnerstag, 7. März 2013

Favourite Pictures On My iPhone

Hey hey! :)
Today I decided to make a post about my favourite pictures on my iPhone. Well, I thought this might be creative, because I've never seen this anywhere before, but who knows, maybe it's not. It's just a small amount of photos, because I haven't been an iPhone owner for long. Anyway, here we go!

- Anne

P.S.: A new video will be up soon, I filmed a challenge video with one of my friends, but I didn't find the time to edit it so far.

Non german people won't understand this, but yeah it's freaking
funny if  you're german. We found this at a toilet in Mc Donald's.

Tyler Ward at his concert back in October 2012. Front row and as perfect as always! :)

Me and Ed Sheeran back in September 2012

Me and Olly Murs which was also back in September.

On the way to school back in autmn, dunno I just really like this picture.

At the Tyler Ward concert in October

The outfit I wore on New Year's Eve

With my bestie on New Year's Eve

My ticket for the One Direction concert in May

At the Swedish House Mafia concert back in December 2012.

Christmas 2012 :)

In Austria back in January

With my parents and my brother when we were on skiing holidays

Favourite place on earth: Damüls, Austria

Just showing my weirdness idk

Loving this quote!

Already posted this on this blog but idgaf, Carnival 2013.

Also in Austria back in January, when we were on the way back to
our hotel rooms from the welness area.