Dienstag, 18. Februar 2014

Meeting Tom Odell

Hey there lovelies,
this is just quick post about what happened two hours ago because it was really random and amazing!
(I should be doing my homework right now)
During my free lesson my very amazing friend Sina texted Inga and I that Tom Odell was coming to our local radio station today. We discussed it forwards and backwards whether to go or not to go. I called the radio station and they told me the time he would be there. So Inga jumped into her car, picked me up and we drove there. I love spontaneous actions like that. 
We waited for ages in the cold until we decided to get the car and park it across the street so we could still see the entry of the radio station. So we sat in the warm car and waited for some more. What felt like hours later, a brown van showed up. We were confused because people normally arrive there in black vans with number plates from Berlin or Hamburg but this one had one from Wiesbaden, which is the capital of Hesse (where I live). But we saw Tom sitting in it and practically jumped out of the car, and went to where his van parked. He got out of it and asked how we were. We took some photos, hugged and filmed a video message for Sina. It is below. 

He was in a rush and we had to leave, too, so there wasn't much time to chat. We said our Goodbyes and I wished him fun. Inga and I were the only people waiting for him so that was cool. Tom is such a lovely lad and I can't wait to see him at the Southside festival in June!

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