Sonntag, 16. Februar 2014

James Arthur Concert

G'day mates!
I hope everyone is good. As you all are able to read, you most likely know what this post is about.
So on Friday three of my favourite girls, Inga, Jess and Katha, came over for a sleepover. We chatted had a few drinks and a lot of fun. Here's a cheeky piccy.

The next day, which was Saturday, we got up really really really early to get ready to drive to Frankfurt where the James Arthur concert took place. The concert was in the Gibson, a club on the busiest shopping street in Frankfurt, the Zeil.  We were the first ones there and made ourselves comfortable in front of the club which was in some side niche of the street.

But after a really short time the club's janitor came and told us that we couldn't stay there and had to go back on the street, which led to one of the most embarrassing and uncomfortable experiences of my life. We went back on the street and got our stuff out again. So there we were, us four girls and two other girls, chilling on Frankfurt's biggest shopping street. People may have mistook us as homeless quite a few times and everyone, literally everyone who walked by stared at us. Like what the actual fuck don't you have some manners? It might have looked a bit weird, this growing group of girls sitting on the street, but you don't just stare at people. I started thinking about how it has to be to be actually homeless and having to beg for money on the streets. Those people just staring at you, must feel very shit.
As more and more people came people started asking what we were waiting for. James Arthur wasn't a name to most of them. Some people were asking really nicely, but some just came across weird and rude. Some of them were funny, too, for example a group of guys who stopped by for a few minutes and just chatted to us.
Anyway it was fun with the girls and the waiting didn't seem as long as it actually was.

That's Katha on the photo by the way. Sometime around noon Janina joined us. The doors opened at 6.30 pm and we had some difficulties with the security guards before. I don't want to go into details but Securities are just really the worst enemies a fan can have. Some of them are such dicks.

Here we have the gorgeous Jess and myself. The lightening gave the photo some really weird effect, but it actually looks cool, doens't it?

Here we have myself and my lovely barrier bitches. Honestly those were the best people to spend this day with.

So now, to the concert. There's the gorgeous James above.
The concert opened with a very talented singer called Norma Jean Martine and her band. I recommend you to check her out, her voice is sick and she's gorgeous and seemed pretty sympathetic. Here's one of her songs and the polaroid she took of the crowd.

Around 8.30 pm James came on and started the show with You're Noboby Til Somebody Loves You. His voice is as amazing as I imagined it to be live and it seemed like he got fitter since the last time I saw him. He deserved his place as the winner of X- Factor back in 2012 a hundred percent. He played most of the songs from his album, but I think that the setlist was really short. It was about 14 songs long if I remember it right and the concert was over way too fast. The ticket was about 30 Euros and I thought that it was quite expensive, since he isn't big over here yet but it was worth it anyway. Inga and I stood directly in front of him and the girls stood on our lefts and rights. He touched their hands from time to time and gave them and the rest of the front row a few high fives and Inga and I thought that he wouldn't be able to reach us, because of the boxes in front of him, but during Get Down he somehow managed to touch my hand. And I guess that was the highlight for me that night, since we didn't meet him after the show, haha. James' band seemed cool by the way and he has two really talented background singers. Anyway, here's the video of Get Down, as it was one of my favourites live.

Straight after the last song was over, we pushed through the crowd and ran out to the back entry in the hope to meet him. Unfortunately the back entry was around the block, because it was obviously on the back of the building so it was quite far to get there. When we arrived some girl told us that he had just left and showed us a picture of him and her. He must have ran straight out after the song, because it only took us a short time to get there. We assumed that he was used to that from X- Factor because they always do it like that there, One Direction for example, run out straight too and leave within less that 5 minutes. I was quite disappointed but I guess it wasn't that bad because I've met them before.
We then went to Burger King to get some late night dinner and drove home.

photo taken by the fabulous Jess Valentine

Even though the gig was way too short and we didn't meet them I recommend going and seeing him to everyone.
I hope you all had a great weekend!

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