Dienstag, 25. Februar 2014

Small Haul

I bought a few things, like really just a few but I felt like showing them to you, so I did. First of all, I'm sorry for the horrific lightening, but I couldn't arrange it otherwise. 

I saw this fitness mat online and instantly fell in love with it. It has a pinky- red colour and the typical Nike quote Just Do It written on it. I just love this quote, because it's really as simple as that. Just do it. If you want to get fitter, what's holding you back? Just do it. Anyway I didn't want to buy it myself because I thought 35 € were quite a lot for a mat. But as I gave my older one to my brother (He's feeling the fitness vibe, too, right now.) I needed a new one and my mum bought it for me when she was in the city. It's a bit thin for my tast and not that good to do something like push ups on it but it's alright though, I guess. It can be found here.

The other day I saw these in a sports catalogue and I really liked them. I love Nike sports shoes in general, but they're pretty expensive, for example the Nike Frees. These ones were on sale so I ordered them via telephone, since they weren't available over the online shop anymore. The woman told me that they would arrive in about four weeks but they were there after only a week. I ordered two pairs, in different sizes, which was a good decision, since the ones that I thought would fit, didn't fit at all. I already tested them in the gym twice and they're really got. By the way, I got myself a gym membership two weeks ago and I'm there four times a week at the moment. I'm happy that I made the decision to go there. It's a lot of fun and I feel really, really good when I'm finished and know that I did something for my body. I do a lot of courses and have a work out plan. I'm probably going to blog more about it soon.

So when I went into town today to send back the pair of shoes that didn't fit I stopped by at the shops and grabbed a few things. I picked up the latest edition of the German Glamour. The Glamour is my favourite German magazine, among the InStyle. Anyway I like the British Glamour a lot more and buy it everytime I'm overseas. But as I can't get it here I'm buying the German one everytime I feel like it. Then I needed a heat protection spray, since my hair literally feels horrible everytime I blow dry it and I really needed something to protect it from drying out. After walking through the shop for about fifteen minutes I realised they didn't had the one I wanted and I decided to grab the Heatprotection Styling Spray by Syoss for only 3,95 €. Then I went to look for some hair oil or a conditioner or something like that. I decided to pick up the orange Garnier Fructis one for 3,75 €. Then I strolled through the Make Up area of the shop, desperate to buy something. I picked up a Top Coat nail polish by essence, because I needed one and didn't feel like spending a lot of money, It was 1,95 €. After looking a bit more around through the shelves/ stands the essence eye pencil & shadow pen in blazing black caught my eye. I was actually looking out for eyeliners in that moment but as I am really clumsy with them I decided to go for this one. You can basically use it like an eyeline, to draw on your eyelid like you would normally do with an eyeliner. One of my lovely friends (hi Inga) gave me that idea when we were in London together. It's actually a really good alternative for people like me. Normally I'm not a fan of cheap make up like from essence, but I tested the pen and seems to be really good so far. 
I hope everyone's week is going well! 

Montag, 24. Februar 2014

Room Impressions

Hey there,
once again I changed a lot of things in my room yesterday which meant spending the whole day inside, moving furniture, cleaning and throwing away things. I got rid of all my old teen magazines and throwing them away literally felt like throwing my teenage youth away. But I've got a lot more space now, since I moved out one of my shelfs, my old couch and some massive chair. I've got another bed now, which I will mainly use as a sofa, but it can be used as a bed for guests too, so that is good. I also got rid of some posters and pictures in my room and it looks a lot more comfortable. I just love changing things in my room and setting up things. I made the collages, quotes and all that stuff on my wall myself. Here are a few Impressions! :)

Dienstag, 18. Februar 2014

Meeting Tom Odell

Hey there lovelies,
this is just quick post about what happened two hours ago because it was really random and amazing!
(I should be doing my homework right now)
During my free lesson my very amazing friend Sina texted Inga and I that Tom Odell was coming to our local radio station today. We discussed it forwards and backwards whether to go or not to go. I called the radio station and they told me the time he would be there. So Inga jumped into her car, picked me up and we drove there. I love spontaneous actions like that. 
We waited for ages in the cold until we decided to get the car and park it across the street so we could still see the entry of the radio station. So we sat in the warm car and waited for some more. What felt like hours later, a brown van showed up. We were confused because people normally arrive there in black vans with number plates from Berlin or Hamburg but this one had one from Wiesbaden, which is the capital of Hesse (where I live). But we saw Tom sitting in it and practically jumped out of the car, and went to where his van parked. He got out of it and asked how we were. We took some photos, hugged and filmed a video message for Sina. It is below. 

He was in a rush and we had to leave, too, so there wasn't much time to chat. We said our Goodbyes and I wished him fun. Inga and I were the only people waiting for him so that was cool. Tom is such a lovely lad and I can't wait to see him at the Southside festival in June!

Sonntag, 16. Februar 2014

James Arthur Concert

G'day mates!
I hope everyone is good. As you all are able to read, you most likely know what this post is about.
So on Friday three of my favourite girls, Inga, Jess and Katha, came over for a sleepover. We chatted had a few drinks and a lot of fun. Here's a cheeky piccy.

The next day, which was Saturday, we got up really really really early to get ready to drive to Frankfurt where the James Arthur concert took place. The concert was in the Gibson, a club on the busiest shopping street in Frankfurt, the Zeil.  We were the first ones there and made ourselves comfortable in front of the club which was in some side niche of the street.

But after a really short time the club's janitor came and told us that we couldn't stay there and had to go back on the street, which led to one of the most embarrassing and uncomfortable experiences of my life. We went back on the street and got our stuff out again. So there we were, us four girls and two other girls, chilling on Frankfurt's biggest shopping street. People may have mistook us as homeless quite a few times and everyone, literally everyone who walked by stared at us. Like what the actual fuck don't you have some manners? It might have looked a bit weird, this growing group of girls sitting on the street, but you don't just stare at people. I started thinking about how it has to be to be actually homeless and having to beg for money on the streets. Those people just staring at you, must feel very shit.
As more and more people came people started asking what we were waiting for. James Arthur wasn't a name to most of them. Some people were asking really nicely, but some just came across weird and rude. Some of them were funny, too, for example a group of guys who stopped by for a few minutes and just chatted to us.
Anyway it was fun with the girls and the waiting didn't seem as long as it actually was.

That's Katha on the photo by the way. Sometime around noon Janina joined us. The doors opened at 6.30 pm and we had some difficulties with the security guards before. I don't want to go into details but Securities are just really the worst enemies a fan can have. Some of them are such dicks.

Here we have the gorgeous Jess and myself. The lightening gave the photo some really weird effect, but it actually looks cool, doens't it?

Here we have myself and my lovely barrier bitches. Honestly those were the best people to spend this day with.

So now, to the concert. There's the gorgeous James above.
The concert opened with a very talented singer called Norma Jean Martine and her band. I recommend you to check her out, her voice is sick and she's gorgeous and seemed pretty sympathetic. Here's one of her songs and the polaroid she took of the crowd.

Around 8.30 pm James came on and started the show with You're Noboby Til Somebody Loves You. His voice is as amazing as I imagined it to be live and it seemed like he got fitter since the last time I saw him. He deserved his place as the winner of X- Factor back in 2012 a hundred percent. He played most of the songs from his album, but I think that the setlist was really short. It was about 14 songs long if I remember it right and the concert was over way too fast. The ticket was about 30 Euros and I thought that it was quite expensive, since he isn't big over here yet but it was worth it anyway. Inga and I stood directly in front of him and the girls stood on our lefts and rights. He touched their hands from time to time and gave them and the rest of the front row a few high fives and Inga and I thought that he wouldn't be able to reach us, because of the boxes in front of him, but during Get Down he somehow managed to touch my hand. And I guess that was the highlight for me that night, since we didn't meet him after the show, haha. James' band seemed cool by the way and he has two really talented background singers. Anyway, here's the video of Get Down, as it was one of my favourites live.

Straight after the last song was over, we pushed through the crowd and ran out to the back entry in the hope to meet him. Unfortunately the back entry was around the block, because it was obviously on the back of the building so it was quite far to get there. When we arrived some girl told us that he had just left and showed us a picture of him and her. He must have ran straight out after the song, because it only took us a short time to get there. We assumed that he was used to that from X- Factor because they always do it like that there, One Direction for example, run out straight too and leave within less that 5 minutes. I was quite disappointed but I guess it wasn't that bad because I've met them before.
We then went to Burger King to get some late night dinner and drove home.

photo taken by the fabulous Jess Valentine

Even though the gig was way too short and we didn't meet them I recommend going and seeing him to everyone.
I hope you all had a great weekend!

Sonntag, 9. Februar 2014

The Carrie Diaries & iPhone 5c Review + Concerts in 2014

Hey again,
so here I am, writing the third blogpost of today, after not writing a single one in 2 weeks. Weirdo.
The first thing I want to talk about is The Carrie Diaries. For those of you who have no idea what this series is about, it's basically the pre-story of Carrie Bradshaw from Sex & The City. It's about her growing up as a teenager and how she made herself a name in New York City. This serious is fighting it's place in my Top 3 of series with Under The Dome and Gossip Girl. Not only because it plays in one of my favourite cities, New York city, but because it plays in the 80s and has the best story ever. I wish I had Carrie's life. I really do. The actress that plays Carrie, AnnaSophia Robb, is the prettiest and most gorgeous girl ever and Austin Butler as Sabastian Kydd isn't bad, too. Well, that's an understatement, he's literally the imperfect perfection of a guy. I'm so in love with him. Apparently the ratings of The Carrie Diaries aren't that good, but I really don't understand why they would be. It's probably because barely anyone watches series on TV anymore. Most of us watch them online, don't we? I'm praying that they'll film a season 3, because I was a crying mess when the last episode of season 2 ended. Here's a trailer, check it out! 

The next thing, yay I've got a new phone! And it's an iPhone 5c. It didn't think of buying a new phone when I was at our local telecom store with my mum, but my they made me a really good offer and I took it. I wasn't a fan of the 5c until now. It's really not as ugly as I thought. I hated the plastic back of it, but it really doesn't look that bad in reality. I'm glad that I own one now, because the front camera is a whole lot better than the one on my old 4s. That will pretty much make me happy when I'll meet one of my favourite bands again, because the last few selfies that I took with them were in a terrible quality. Further the screen seems a lot prettier, since the 5c has better display facilities, etc. I really don't want to bore you with any other technical details, since you can look them up on the apple site, if you're interested. There aren't a lot more differences between the 5c and the 4s. Anyway I'm happy with it and that's what counts.

Next topic is the concert season 2014 or more likely for spring/ summer. Next up on my concert list is James Arthur next week. After I met him last September I really wanted to see him live but I'm not that excited about it anymore, probably because James annoyed me with his constant twitter fight in the past months, which in my opinion is so unnecessary and immature. That doesn't only count for James but for all the celebrities that did it. Anyway I know James is a lovely guy and it will probably be more fun that I imagine it to be. Furthermore I'm going to see all my girls next week so that's exciting.Then I'm going to see The 1975 twice in March, as well as Bastille. I couldn't be more excited about these, since these two are my all time favourites and I'm looking forward to see their lovely faces again. After that there will be a massive lack of concerts until June. My jobless life doesn't let anything more happen. I really need to get a job soon, I'm annoyed about being broke all the time because of concerts. But anyway there's something big happening in June. I'm going to my first festival. Since I'm 18 it was about time I guess. The festival I'm going to go to is Southside. Southside is the south German version of the Hurricane, for those of you who don't know. Both are on the same weekend and have the same line up. I'm really really really excited. Part of the line up are Bastille, Ed Sheeran, The 1975, Macklemore & Ryan Lewis, The Kooks, Bring Me The Horizon, The Naked & Famous, Chvrches, The Wombats, Casper, Kraftklub, Tom Odell and Jennifer Rostock. There are a hell lot more acts, but those are the most important ones to me. As you probably know some of those are my absolute favourites so you'll probably understand my excitement. Are any of you going to one of those events?
Have a lovely rest Sunday and a great start into the new week!

Don't Save Me

shirt: h & m, jeans: vero moda, jacket: my brother's old motorcycle jacket, beanie: h & m

(excuse my make- up less face, it's Sunday and I saw no reason to make the effort of putting it on)

GoPro Video Of Our Skiing Trip

Hey guys,
my brother recently uploaded a video of the week we spend in Austria in the past January. The video material is filmed with his GoPro 3+ and his friend's GoPro 2. It is bloody amazing and I think that my brother has some mad editing skills, since the video is edited with Windows Movie Maker. The video mainly shows my brother (the one on the skiers) and his friend (the one on the snowboard) and you just see me for like 2 seconds, but the video is really worth a view. So go and watch it and show my brother some love, haha :) Oh, and watch it in HD. Trust me, it will be worth it, it deserves a hell lot more views!