Montag, 27. Januar 2014

New Years Resolutions

New Years Resolutions, we do them every year, promising ourselves things things to be a better person- and they most likely don't turn into reality. At least in my case. You all have probably already made your New Year's resolutions, since it's already nearly February, but I just didn't really think about it until now. And now I'm sitting here in my room with a cup of tea and Arctic Monkeys and Vampire Weekend in the background, scribbling down things to be a better person. First of all, I want to get fitter. To be honest that was my goal last year, too, but I really want to turn it into reality this year. I'm not feeling good in my body and I want to change that. I already started working out more again and going for a run from time to time. Since my boxing trainer is an asshole and let our group down I don't have boxing twice a week anymore. I'm currently searching for an alternative. I have a few fitness essentials at home so I can do some things myself but that's not enough for me. I also want to eat more healthy. That's quite complicated with my family but I will try my best. Oh and I started counting calories again. I know that's not the best thing to do and I don't recommend it, but then again it makes me notice how much crap I'm stuffing myself with and how I should decline a bar of chocolate or a piece of cake from time to time. Another one of my New Year's Resolutions is getting better grades, but that's not what I want to talk about in this blog post. And anyway that just makes me think of how I should be doing my English course work instead of blogging right now. 
If you want to get fitter and lose weight this year, as me, I have two Apps to recommend. The first one is Runtastic. Runtastic is a sports app that includes a lot of sport activities to do. It counts for example the time you've been for a run, the kilometers/ miles you ran and calculates your average speed, the average time it took you to run a kilmoter/ mile and all that stuff. It also shows the way you ran on a map. It does the same for biking, inline skating, riding, sailing, surfing, skiing and a lot of other activities. I've got the version that costs some Euros but there's a free version, too. I just really think that it helps you to show the progress you're making and it's a lot of fun.
The second App is Noom Weight Loss. Noom asks after you're age, weight, heigh and how much weight you want to lose, before starting. It then calculates the amount of calories you can eat within a day. Noom includes separate options to add the food you ate and tells you how much calories are left to be possibly eaten. You can add calories that you lost while working out, too by the way. 
Those were probably some really poor explanations for the apps but you should really just check them out yourself. 
Another thing that motivates me for working out are twitter accounts like @BeFitMotivation. Just simply looking at the photos there makes me want to work out in order to get closer to my dream body every day. There are quite a few tumblr blogs too that I look at for inspiration and there are also a lot of cool ones with nice and healthy recipes. What I also love about this whole thing is shopping or just looking for sporty outfits. I've made a collage of a few nice things I found online, maybe you'll find some pieces that you like! :)

Everything is avaible here.

I will probably post a few recipes, fitness motivation, work outs and all this stuff from time to time now, I hope everyone is okay with that. Have a great week :)

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