Samstag, 23. November 2013

Favourite Places

Good morning everyone! :)
I hope you're all doing good. I really felt like blogging and thought about ideas for new blogposts. So I decided to blog about something that I really enjoy. Travelling. I haven't been to that many places out of Europe, but then again I've been to a lot European places. I really want to travel the world after I'll finish school, starting with a year in Australia and New Zealand with one of my closest friends! I'm so excited for it, one and a half more years to go.
So in this post I wanted to blog about my favourite places, I've been to already. There are actually three of them, I think. The first one is this small town in Austria, called Damüls. I go there every year at least once to go skiing. My family and I have been there every winter for at least the past ten years. It feels like home and winter time is actually my favourite time of the year, just because I can go skiing at my favourite place again. I'v also been there for the second time in summer this year, which was kind of confusing. because it looks a whole lot different in summer than it looks in winter. Here are a few photos of this beautiful place, enjoy!

The second one of my favourite place is probably another small town, but in the Netherlands this time. It's called Katwijk. I've basically been to every possible part of the Netherlands, including Amsterdam, but Katwijk is my favourite one. It's close to Den Haag and to Leiden, a beautiful city with a great university!
Katwijk is a town with a small center with cute shops and restaurants. It's close to the sea and they have some really cool bars on the beach! The drive to Katwijk from where I live is only about 4 hours, so that's cool. 

My third favourite place is the capitol of England, London. I've only been there once, this April, but I immediately fell in love with this city, I really want to live there at some point of my life. I'm going there again this December/ January and I really can't wait. I just love how London is so multicultural and open to anything. People are very different there than they are where I live. London has it's personal style and I love how everybody seems to be their selves their. This might be a very naive view, but as I have only been there once yet, that's all I can say. Camden and Soho are probably my favourite parts of London. As I am a small town girl I am really impressed by how easily and fast you can get to any place in the city. I actually kind of dislike the Tube but then again I really love it! London is full of culture and creativity and it makes me really love this town. 

What are you favourite places in the world? I would love to know! :)

Freitag, 22. November 2013


Hola mates!
As you probably may have noticed, I changed my url. I just really got bored of the old one and started to hate it more and more every day. The new url fits me pretty well, since concerts are my ultimate recipe for happiness and coffee pretty much gets me trough every day. I also changed the header and played a bit with the design. I'm okay with it's look, at least for now. You have to know that I'm a perfectionist when it comes to things like those. So I sat here the whole evening trough, thinking about new urls and googleing how to change this in your html to make your blog look more professional. I'm such a nerd sometimes, haha. At least Imagine Dragons kept me some company with their music during that. I'm actually going to see them live in a few days. I'm going to travel to Luxembourg with two friends for their gig their, since they're not coming to Frankfurt and the gig in Cologne was already sold out. The gig in Luxembourg is actually on a Saturday so that fits perfectly. We're going to stay there overnight in a Hotel, then travel home on the next morning. I'm looking forward so much to it! But what I'm even looking forward to even more is flying to London over New Year's with my friend Inga. Our hotel is in Camden aka my favourite place ever and we're so close to everything in the city. New Year's Eve in London is actually the coolest thing ever, not just because of all the parties, but because they have the prettiest firework ever in Westminster, check it out here. I really can't wait for it! What are you guys doing in your winter holidays/ on New Year's Eve?

Sonntag, 17. November 2013

The 1975 concert & meeting them

Hiya guys, 
I haven't blogged in a while, simply because I was so busy with my school work. I constantly have school until 5 pm and I had exams and reports to hand in going on. But I haven't got any exams this week, so maybe I'll have a bit more time to blog. 

This Friday I went to Frankfurt to see one of my absolute favourite bands in the whole wide world. There might be some swearing in the following text post and some shortened language, I'm sorry. I just copied from tumblr and added a few thing, because I was too lazy to write everything again.
I went straight to the venue after school and was there at like 2.15 pm, but my friends had already been there since around 12. The tourbus was already there, too. My friend was told that the guys would still be at the hotel, but for sure they weren't. After some time, Matty, George and Ross came out. According to them Adam was still asleep in the bus and they all looked dead tired but still were the nicest people ever. I knew George was tall, but honestly not that fucking tall. He already bend his knees a bit so he was smaller but when I tried to take a selfie I just couldn’t get all of him on the photo and he then just grabbed my phone laughing and took the selfie himself. He took two more, but they’re too awful for the internet to see, haha. My friend had loads of present for them and Matty was literally behaving like a little girl on christmas eve, he was so happy about the present she gave them. She had some black hoodie for Ross on which she stiched up The 1975 with fake leather and they all were basically completely freaking out about it, because according to Matty the apperently have had the same idea for a hoodie to do. We told them they should arrange Sina (my friend) for the merch, hahaha. My other friend and I gave them some cigarettes with chocolate flavour, just as a joke, but they were super happy about it. They told us they would come out later again and went inside the venue. Adam then later came out and as clumsy as I am I stepped full on his foot when we took a selfie.

As the time of the concert came closer more people started queueing up. People always start fights with me on twitter when I say that its pisses me off how those 15 years old One Direction fans claim to like The 1975 just because Harry Styles likes them. But it was the same again yesterday. I swear 90 % of the crowd were little 1D fangirls and they kept talking about One Direction when we stood in the queue. Wish the gig would’ve been 18 +. But I also met some really cool people, here's a picture of us all! :) 

Anyway the opening act was quite good and 20 minutes late the 1975 started to perform. The show was sick even though the microfone was way too silent and the sound was quite shit in that club. I ended up having a fight with some security guard who wanted to throw me out during the last song because I had argued with him before and didn't listen to what he was telling me. He basically told me not to film, but everyone else was filming, too. I mean was he actually serious? Normally you're allowed to film at every concert, even at the ones with super famous people performing. I would've done what the security guard told me, when everyone else would've been not allowed to film, too. That was what I told him but he just kept on screaming at me and that was when I had enough and freaked out a bit. He also argued with some of my friends and we were all pissed as hell, because he ruined a huge part of the concert for us. Also the band had noticed that something was going on, I mean they were directly in front of us and kept looking to figure out what the hell was going on.
After the concert we went out to where the bus was. There were tons of fangirls already waiting too, it was so annoying. They were even wearing hotpants and crop tops, like wtf it’s the middle of november and it was abou 5 ° C outside. The guys came out after some time and told us that they would come back and that they just wanted to bring their things into the bus. For sure those dumb fangirls ran after them and when Matty came out they started to mob him. LIKE WHAT THE FUCKING HELL ARE YOU SERIOUS. I was shouting at them that they should leave him some space and back off to build a queue. Obviously they didn’t listen to me and kept going on mobbing that poor chap. Matty looked so uncomfortable it was heartbreaking. Some girls even grabbed his hair and shit. Those girls were so disrespectful and rude, I have no words for it. There are times where I seriously question if some of those young people even have parents who tell them how to behave. I had enough of those twats pushing me around just to get to Matty and went to where Ross was. I let him sign my ticket and took another photo with him.Then I went to where George was but he went went back into the bus, I guess he had enough of the fangirls. I went to Adam and let him sign my ticket and took another photo, too, which looks awful by the way, whatever it's below. George shouted for the others to get in the bus because they apparently had to leave. 

We all were so pissed because of those fucking dumb fangirls who as I said only knew them because of Harry Styles and didn’t knew anything about the band. Some girl even called Matty George (he was just awkwardly laughing about it). And for sure they all only knew Matty and that’s why they fucking mobbed him. I MEAN WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT??? They’re the most chilled and nicest lads ever, why mobb them if you could have a easy chat with them? I’m still so fucking pissed. The only positive thing was that George, Ross and Matty were smoking our cigarettes when they came out, haha.
All in all it was a good night but some things really just ruined it. I couldn't even talk to them properly anymore that night. And they’re not even big over here in Germany yet…
But the 1975 are the most chilled and nicest lads you could possibly ever meet and I'm so looking forward to see them again in March! 

I hope you all had a nice weekend, thanks for reading! 
- Anne x

Sonntag, 3. November 2013

Haul: Mainz

Hey there!
Last Saturday I went on a little shopping spree with my parents to Mainz. It's about an hour drive from where I live and it's a lovely city. It was nice to go somewhere else for shopping since I actually got tired of always shopping in Frankfurt or all those bigger towns around where live. Mainz isn't that big but it has some nice shops and I found a few things. But see it yourself! :)

Since it's getting more wintry I decided to get some sweaters, because who doesn't love cuddly, warm sweaters? I bought it in a bigger size, since it's really short and I wanted it to fit loose, too.
Vila Clothes; Size L; 15,95 € (original price: 26,95 €)

Oh, another sweater. Who would've guessed. I bought it in a bigger size again because it fitted really tight in S and I wanted it to fit loose.
Only; Size M; 19,95 €

I have only worn these babes twice, but they already look so used, oh my god. Thanks to the shitty weather outside. I wanted those kind of boots for ages now and I was very, very happy when I found them. I don't  even know which brand they are and I'm too lazy to get up and look it up. Anyway I bought them in 'Fink Schuhe' if that helps.
European Size 38; 69,95 € (they were on sale, yay!)

Oh god, I'm so in love with this tank top. I first saw it in grey, but then went for the black one, because black's my coulour, haha. I again, bought it in a bigger size because the smaller one fitted weird around the boobs area, I guess it was made for someone with smaller boobs then me, haha. It's longer than a normal top so you can wear it with a pair of leggins or tights.
Vila Clothes; Size M; 24,95 € (original price 34,95 €)

Ok something is officially wrong with the upload thing for my blogposts. This skirt is plain black actually and on the picture it looks like some sort of grey? Ugh. 
I can imagine wearing that skirt while going out clubbing or when I'm in London over New Year's Eve.
Vila Clothes; Size S; 15,95 € (original price 26,95 €)

Same thing with this. Ugh what is going on? Those dark grey leggins actually have a flower print on them.
Only; Size S, 19,95 €

Have a good start in the week tomorrow! 
- Anne x