Sonntag, 27. Oktober 2013

Olly Murs Concert & Meeting Him

Hiya you beautiful people out there!
Hope you're alright. Autumn has kicked in and it's raining outside constantly. Ew. So now I'm lying in my bed, being deadly tired. Today is the last day of my holidays and I'm quite sad because of that. But this post is about something different anyway, so here we go.
So on Wednesday the 9th I went to Offenbach for Olly Murs' concert there. I arrived in the afternoon because I had to be at my work placement until 3.30 pm and then take the train to Offenbach and then the bus to the venue. My friends Inga and Sabrina we already at the venue since 1 pm. Just when I stepped out of the bus a got a WhatsApp notification from Sabrina that they had just met Olly Murs. Do you have any idea of how pissed I was? The walk from the bus stop to the venue was like 1 minute so I had missed Olly Murs by 2 minutes. I was quite disappointed but kept telling myself that it was alright because I had already met him last year. I thought there were no more chances to meet him that day since he hadn't come out to meet fans on the other German shows. I was just happy that two of my besties had met him, look how cute their photos with him are! :) 

When I arrived at the venue they were already back in the line and there were just a few people in front of them so being in the front row was saved for us. We just chatted with some others until the doors opened. Unfortunately it started raining during that time and by the time we were let in we were al soaking wet even though we had some umbrellas. The opening act for Olly was Ivy Quainoo, the winner of the first series of the German Version of The Voice. Her voice is stunning, just like her. She's a real cutie and basically blows you away with her amazing voice!

Then after some time Olly finally came on! As some of you probably know I have already seen and met him last year and I knew how amazing he was live. Olly is a real entertainer and knows how to connect with the audience. The eye sex with him isn't too bad, too! ;)
My favourite songs live were Dance With Me Tonight, Hey You Beautiful and Troublemaker! Unfortunately I haven't uploaded any videos of the concert on YouTube yet. But you can find some on my Keek.

After the last song, which was Troublemaker, we went straight outside to the back of the venue in the hope to maybe meet Olly, we knew the chances weren't really high. Some others which we had met before already went out before Troublemaker and told us that Olly hadn't left yet. As we waited more and more people came out in the hope to meet Olly. Time passed by and at some point some of our friends had to leave because they were picked up by their parents or had to catch their train. Inga and I were left alone out of the group of our friends. It was raining again and we had no umbrella because Inga had forgotten hers in the venue and we didn't want to go back to because we were afraid Olly would come out during that time. 
It was getting later and later and we were getting wetter. My hair looked like I had just come out of the shower and my dress and shoes were soaking wet, let alone my jacket. I could already feel myself getting ill. To explain you where we were waiting I just drew this little thing because it was to complicated to write down.

From where we stood we could see the tour bus perfectly which the others couldn't since their view was blocked by the truck where they where loading in the instruments and some stage stuff. Time passed by and it was already probably 11.45 pm. Then one of Olly's background singers and his drummer walked past us and told me after asking that Olly would come out.
After some time Inga and I were like 'fuck everything, yolo' and went past the barriers and to where the tour bus was. Nobody stopped us. We first went to stay under some roof to not get more wet but then went straight to the bus. Some crew member was sitting in front of the bus, drinking his beer and smoking a cigarette. We didn't talk to him at first and it was kinda awkward. Then, about two minutes later some other, older crew member joined us. He was quite funny, asking if we were that guys fanclub and why he didn't have fans. Inga asked him after some water because was really thirsty. He told her that he had some in his pockets. This was when the funniest thing happed. Inga thought he meant the back pockets of his jeans and lifted his jacket to get the bottle. But the thing was, the bottle was in the pocket of his jacket. He bursted out laughing telling her that he would never let her get a bottle from hiss back pocket, since his ass was too old for her and she was too young for him, haha. Olly's crew is literally the coolest and funniest crew ever. (it probably doesn't sound as funny as it was)
We later asked the bus driver when they would leave and he told us that they would be probably leave in about 40 minutes. At that point it was already after midnight and we thought that there wouldn't be a chance to meet him anymore. Shortly after that some guy from the management came by and told us that we had to go back to the others and weren't allowed to stay by the bus. We thought that Olly was already in the bus anyway so we went back to were the others were. We were about to say goodbye to everyone when some guy from the German management came out to tell us that Olly would come out soon. So we stayed.
A few minutes after that some guy from the British management came out and told us to queue up and stay calm. Not to mention that I was completely calm and just wanted to go home to change into dry clothes. There were only two people in front of Inga and I. And then finally Olly came out. He was as nice and cute as always. He signed my polaroid, from the last time where we met. Then when we wanted to take a photo the most akward thing happend. Olly took my phone to take a selfie of us but my phone didn't want it the way he wanted to, which meant going to my camera roll and opening a selfie of me which I had taken earlier to check if it was possible to take selfies by the small light that was above us, since it was already dark outside. He wanted to click it away but my phone just went forwards and backwards between my camera roll and the actual camera. I annoyingly said: "Ollyyyy." (I hope I didn't sound too mean and annoyed, haha)
And he was excusing himself like "Sorry, I don't understand anything, it's in german" (my phone). I grabbed it from him to go back to the camera and then gave it back to him and we finally took our photo. 

He hugged me goodbye after that and kissed me on the cheeck. I thanked him for the amazing show and we basically left after that, since it was nearly 1 am and I had my work placement in the morning and Inga had to go to school. I arrived at home around 2 am and practically fell into my bed. In the end the waiting and being ill for the next week was worth it! Olly is such a different person when you meet him than he is on stage, but he's lovely and perfect both ways. I can't wait to see/ meet him again one day! :)

- Anne

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