Dienstag, 2. April 2013


Hey people all around the world! :)
Hope you are all fine, if you wonder I am. I finally started to do all the stuff that I have to do for school and am nearly  finished with one of the two presentations that I have to do. I still have to learn for my Spanish exam, guess I'll have to take that with me to London. I started packing today, since we'll fly there on Thursday morning. I'm on of those people that really enjoy packing for a trip. I don't really know, it's just that this is the part where I realise that I'm going to the place that I pack for. I love travelling. I haven't been to that much places, but I really want to travel the world after I finished school, probably doing work and travel, an au pair year or doing a work placement in a foreign country. 
Anyway I'm nearly finished with packing, but I feel like I forgot so much. But isn't it always like that?
Enjoy your evening! 

- Anne

2 Kommentare:

  1. Schöne Bilder! :)
    Hättest du vllt. Lust bei meinem Fotoprojekt mitzumachen?
    Würde mich riesig freuen! :)
    Liebe Grüße :)

