Freitag, 16. Mai 2014


"Nobody actually wants to grow up. We just want the freedom to use our youth."

We are young. We are foolish. 
We don't really know who we are or who we want to be. 
Caught up in a place we don't seem to be able to escape. 
Stumbling across streets in the middle of the night, 
to drunk to remember it the next day. 
We meet new people, some that we will love forever, 
some that we will forget a second later. 
Promises get broken, people change.
People leave, even the ones we never expected to
But eventually even better ones appear in our lives
and we forget those that made us fall to pieces.
Racing across an empty highways
Dancing and screaming along
to the lyrics of our favourite songs,
like our life depends on it. 
Collecting memories we will remember forever.
Having the time of our lives.
They call us reckless and irresponsible,
while they weren't any better back in their days.
We are blinded by craving the attention of one single person,
that we don't notice the ones that really care. 
Trying so hard to be an adult since we're kids
though it doesn't get easier
when we get older.
And some time when we at least expect it
we realise, we were growing up way too fast
and the years were passing by, 
without us noticing.

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