Sonntag, 5. Mai 2013

One Direction Concert

so as you all know I want to an One Direction concert yesterday and I felt like blogging about it. A Vlog will also be up in the next few days. 
I was at the concert with four friends of mine: Inga, Sabrina, Rixa and Ines.
I slept over at Inga's in the night from Friday to Saturday, because of the banner we made for One Direction's drummer, Josh Devine. We also made a few vines, check them out on my twitter (

Around 8.30 am we got picked up by Ines and Sabrina and drove to Oberhausen. We arrived there around 11.30 and parked our car, then went to the back of the arena. There we're already loads of fans, to be honest ninety percent of them were carrots, like seriously. Then we noticed that there was a car park right next to the back entrance of the arena and we went to get our car to park there. We chilled for a bit in the sun and then went to eat lunch in the food corner of the CentrO. 
When we returned we saw that apparently One Direction had already arrived. There were screaming fangirls throwing theirselves at the barries, trying to get a glimpse of One Direction. When we asked some girls what was going on they were screaming into our faces that they had just seen Liam shirtless. Sabrina imitated them and we walked on laughing. We went to the other side of the arena to get the gifts that were given out to the Hot Ticket owners. The gift is shit, I'll probably sell it on ebay, lol. Here's a photo.

Then we lined up again in the line for hotticket owners, because the entry was about to start. At some point we heard screaming girls and turned around to see Josh running past us and being followed by screaming fangirls. Haha.
Actually it was forbidden to bring posters and banners into the arena, but I just hid it under my top and the security didn't  notice anything. We got in the arena quite early. After ages the show started with Camryn as the opening act. Who knows me knows that I'm not a big fan of hers, but whatever. I kind of missed 5SOS. Then there was a break again and then One Direction finally came on. The show was as good as the London one. But to be honest it was the same like in London, Harry connected most with the audience and was genially cute, Liam was as professional as always, Zayn looked like he didn't have any fun, Louis was just Louis and Niall thought he was the coolest kid ever.
During Change My Mind Niall waved to us, haha.
In the end we held our banner up and guess what? Josh saw it! He waved to us and gave us a thumbs up, haha. Everyone in front of us started waving, because they thought he waved to them. Hahaha, nope. And then he smirked at us for like the rest of the concert, probably because our poster was a bit inappropriate, hahaha. 
Harry and Sandy also saw our banner and when Niall went up to Josh he wanted to show the banner to him, but Niall was to stupid to get what Josh wanted from him.

We tried to leave the arena as early as possible, but failed and then decided not to drive to Düsseldorf to try to meet them, because everyone told us that they had already checked out of their hotel and were on the way to Denmark. Guess what? They weren't. They stayed in Oberhausen overnight. Fuck my life. Whatever, it doesn't matter anyway.

When we were on the way home Josh followed Inga after she tweeted him and this morning he followed me and DMed Inga. I love that guy, like seriously he's so cool, haha!

So I'll leave you with a few pics. Check out the videos I filmed on my second channel:

 Hope you all had an amazing weekend! 

- Anne

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