Freitag, 16. Mai 2014


"Nobody actually wants to grow up. We just want the freedom to use our youth."

We are young. We are foolish. 
We don't really know who we are or who we want to be. 
Caught up in a place we don't seem to be able to escape. 
Stumbling across streets in the middle of the night, 
to drunk to remember it the next day. 
We meet new people, some that we will love forever, 
some that we will forget a second later. 
Promises get broken, people change.
People leave, even the ones we never expected to
But eventually even better ones appear in our lives
and we forget those that made us fall to pieces.
Racing across an empty highways
Dancing and screaming along
to the lyrics of our favourite songs,
like our life depends on it. 
Collecting memories we will remember forever.
Having the time of our lives.
They call us reckless and irresponsible,
while they weren't any better back in their days.
We are blinded by craving the attention of one single person,
that we don't notice the ones that really care. 
Trying so hard to be an adult since we're kids
though it doesn't get easier
when we get older.
And some time when we at least expect it
we realise, we were growing up way too fast
and the years were passing by, 
without us noticing.

Freitag, 2. Mai 2014

March 2014, I love you.

Hey there,
I hope you're all doing well. I am. I'm very good indeed. I haven't been on for a while, as you may have noticed. Life was keeping me busy, well at least my weekends were. Heidelberg, Stuttgart, Cologne, Oberhausen, Offenbach, Amsterdam and Dortmund have been part of the journey. But let's start at the beginning. There's going to be a lot of pictures, so beware.
My month started on the 7th of March in Heidelberg, Germany.
I went to see my favourite british guys from The 1975. Really there's not that much to explain about this day. The concert was good as always and meeting them was quite rushed. 

The night after the concert we drove to Stuttgart, slept there for like 3 hours and got up again to pick the lovely Courtney up from the airport. We got ready and drove into town to get some alcohol and had lunch at Dean & David (my new favourite place to get food, oh my goodness. It's so delicious).
We basically went to the venue after that. We were first in line since everyone else was chilling in front of the guys' tour bus. 

Thanks to all these people on the photos, you made the day fucking amazing. Queueing couldn't have been more fun. 
Time passed by and after some funny incidents the doors opened. Let me tell you something, the gig was freaking fabulous. It was insane! I had so, so, so much fun.
We went outside to the back entry after the gig for sure. But the people there were absolutely crazy and I don't mean that in a positive way. Anyway we didn't get to meet the guys, but it was alright I guess. I was a bit gutted because I thought that would've been my last time of seeing them for a while and I wanted to thank them for the amazing show and how much fun I had just because of them. That's the thing with seeing your favourite band live. Singing along every single lyric, dancing like crazy, possibly being completely wasted and having the best time ever with the best people. It's the best feeling on the whole wide world, trust me. I live for this feeling. 

Let's jump to the weekend after that. I know, this post is really not detailed, but it would be way to much to write to tell you everything that happened. If you have any questions, the link to my is on the sidebar.
The weekend after seeing The 1975 was a Bastille kind of weekend. The first gig was on Friday the 14th in Cologne. 

We arrived there pretty late because of school, but as we had our lovely friends we got pretty much in the front of the queue and ended up in the second row. The concert was awesome, for sure. I finally heard The Draw live, to which I was looking forward to the whole year. Bastille have such an energy on stage it's amazing! The opening act was brilliant, too, but more about them further down in this post.

Only Woody and Dan came out after the show, but they were lovely as always. It was a lot more rushed than the last time I met them. The difference six months can make, pheeew. 

We only had about an hour or two of sleep that night but who cares.
We started queueing quite early, because we surely wanted to be front row that night. People were being stupid, rude and annoying as always in the queue. But we somehow survived everything and got into the front row. We were looking forward to the gig than before, since we got to witness the amazing opening act the night before. They go by the name Grizfolk by the way.  

As you can see for yourself, they absolutely smashed it. And the gig in general couldn't have been better. I had one of the best nights in my entire live. After the show we stopped by at the merchandise to say hi to the Grizfolk guys but we somehow got thrown out by the venue's securities and happened to chill outside with the guys and hey we took some pretty funny photos! :) 

They're literally the coolest dudes ever and I hope they will come back to Europe sometime soon. You all should check them out!

After hanging with Grifolk for while we went down to the direction where the buses were to wait for the Bastille guys. Unfortunately we got kicked out by security and had to leave the parking lot etc. As we don't let people tell us what we have to do, we parked somewhere else and walked back in the hope to meet at least one of the guys. Will came out and he was only with Dick and Greg, so there was no security and it was quite chilled. 

Shortly after that Woody came out and he was drunk off his ass. I absolutely loved it. It was such fun to watch him, haha. In case you were wondering why I took this many pictures with him, as you can see he kept pulling faces while my friend was moaning at him to look normal, it was hilarious. We left after that, but apparently Dan came out, too. But probably two hours after the others because they had been recording so it must've been around 3 am.

About three days after this weekend Inga and I went to Offenbach to see Casper (He's a german rapper in case you didn't know). I actually should've bought my ticket from some guy at the venue but he didn't turn up so I drove to Frankfurt to hang with my other friends and we came back to the venue when the concert was over. We basically had to wait ages for him to come out, but he was just the loveliest person ever! Here's our piccy :) 

About a week after this day my friend Sina and I decided quite spontaneously to drive to Amsterdam to see The 1975 at their last European gig of the tour. Even though we saw barely anything of the city it's safe to say that Amsterdam is one of the prettiest cities! We had a horrific night in our hostel, but let's not go into detail. Anyway I'm so glad we went there because we had so much fun and it was just an amazing experience! I again, met people from so many different countries and had an absolute blast. The gig couldn't have been more awesome as well as the whole day in general. We met Adam and Ross before the show but it was pretty much rushed as well as meeting them and the rest again after the show. Sina and I had a few presents for George since it was his birthday the day before and he was so happy about it. Phew, that guy gives amazing hugs. 

Fun facr: the stage was so high you could barely see anything so we went onto the balcony and it was the best decision ever. 

The Friday after the Amsterdam trip Bastille had a private radio gig in Dortmund and we went there for sure, haha. The gig was quite intimate measured of how big Bastille became. The setlist was a lot longer as expected and obviously the gig was a blast! Through our own dumbness we didn't meet them, ugh. 

I know I told you before, the post is not detailed at all but it was such much work already and I really can't be bothered to describe it more. If you have any questions don't hesitate to leave me an ask. Thank you for your time. You pretty much rock. Thanks to the people I spend all those amazing days with, you're the best. 

L'Absence De Moi

Oi folks,
it has been a while. To be more specific 2 months. That's quite a long time actually. Oooops. Well, I'm sorry. Are there any excuses? Not really, haha. 
Anyway I'm sat here in my room, at 11:25 pm on a Friday night, still hungover from last night and I'm reflecting that past two months. A lot happened. And when I say a lot, I mean a lot. I saw my two favourite bands live 3 times each, met them a few times, stayed out on a school days in some creepy ass city until 2 am to meet my favourite German rapper, had a lot of private stuff going on and lots of more things. But I don't want to bore you, haha. The next post is going to be freaking massive because I will write about all the concerts I went to in March and things like that. I'm going to start it now, I promise. Love y'all. Peace Out.