Montag, 23. September 2013

Meeting James Arthur

Hey guys :)
So today something really cool happened, I met James Arthur. A lot of you might know him as the winner of last year's X- Factor UK. I was a fan of him since his audition. So I was more than excited when I found out yesterday that he was coming to my local radio station. They didn't post anything on their facbook or homepage about it but as I have a lot of cool friends on twitter and my sources, I found out about it yesterday afternoon. I was freaking out for sure. I had been waiting for ages to finally get the chance to meet him. 
My lovely friend Inga picked me up after school which was at 11.25 am. According to what I had heard he should've been at the radio station from around 12- 4 pm. We met up there with my super awesome friend Sabrina. We went in there to the reception to ask about James getting interviewed and stuff. We got told that he would be there around 2.30 pm and went outside again. We met two really nice girls which were there to meet James, too. We chatted and time went by pretty fast. A few hours and some phone calls with the radio hosts later some black van with darkened windows drove by. We were a hundred percent sure that it was James so we went closer. For sure it was him. By the way something really funny happened then. He had Best Song Ever by One Direction playing on his phone when he got out of the car? We all nearly broke down laughing.
Anyway we went to him and took photos and chatted a bit and then he had to go to his interview but told us that he'd come out again. 
We chilled out there for some more and after about an hour or so he came out again. He had a headache, his braces hurt and he surely looked tired, but still took a lot of time for us. I got another photo with him and we chatted for some more. I let him sign a picture for me but my pen just wouldn't work and I was like "That pen's shit" and then he started talking about how cool it is that you're allowed to swear on German TV and all that stuff, haha. We also got a video of him for our friends Jess and Katha, which is below. He told us how we were the first german fans he has ever met and how he hopes we'll still be there in five years. James darling, let me tell you one thing. I'll most likely still be there in ten years. I've been there since the start and I'll always have his back. James was so freaking nice and he's smoking fit. If you ever get the chance to see him, do it! It's definitely worth it.
And now enjoy the video of this cutie and my photos with him.
Lots of love,
- Anne

Meeting & Seeing Passenger Live

Hiya guys! :)
I should probably be studying right now for some history exam that I'll have to write tomorrow, but I wouldn't be able to concentrate on it anyway. I just found out that James Arthur is coming to my local radio stations tomorrow and I just mailed all of them, because I really, really want to meet him. I've been supporting that kid since his first audition on the XFactor UK last year and I'd literally do anything to finally meet him in person. But enough of it, because this post is supposed to be about how I met and saw Passenger live last weekend.

It was at the same 'festival' as where I met and saw Bastille the day before. We were there pretty early, it was like 1 pm when we arrived at the venue and the concert was said to begin at 6 pm. We were the first ones there and just chilled in front of the doors on a blanket when a journalist from the NDR2 website came to talk to us. We chatted for a bit and he asked if he could take a photo of us for the website. We agreed and he took this one, which was on the website on the next day.

As it became later more people arrived and the doors finally opened at 5 pm. We were in the first row for sure. The concert was freaking amazing. Mike reminded me a lot of Ed Sheeran, they have a lot in common, maybe that's why they're such good friends. Mike's voice is incredible and he sure is a really funny lad. 

More videos on my second channel: here

After the show we went out to meet him at the backstage entry as we did the day before at the Bastille gig. 
Sadly there where a lot of people that Mike probably didn't mean as much to as he does to me. For example  some girls that stood behind us that didn't even know anything about him, they thought Passenger was a band. Lol no, gurls. He came out after some time but was quite in a hurry since he apparently had to catch a flight. He wasn't allowed to take photos and looked pretty sad (I guess?) when Inga started arguing with the security guard because taking a selfie with an iPhone takes like 3 seconds, which is probably less time than it takes to write an autograph. He signed my album and Inga's concert ticket and gave us a hug. Then he went to the next people and I was quite sad. I know it's probably pathetic to be sad because I didn't get a photo even though I met him... but Mike is one of the people that got me through the last year and it would've just really had meant a lot to have a photo with him. I know I'm ungrateful, but who cares.
It was a beautiful evening/ night, thanks to Mike.

We went back to Katha's after it and drove home in the morning.
The weekend from the 13th to the 15th has been one of the best two weekends in my whole life. The other one was the one last year where I met Olly Murs and Ed Sheeran, in case you were wondering. Göttingen is one of my favourite places on this planet, just because I've met some of my favourite people there. And at the end of the day those 'celebrities' are still some normal people that don't understand why everyone makes such a hype about them. And that's something beautiful isn't it? :)

- Anne

Sonntag, 15. September 2013

Meeting & Seeing Bastille Live

Hiya guys, 
so this week I was on tour. Inga and I drove to Göttingen to see Bastille live. We planned everything quite spontaneously because we got tickets from someone who couldn't go (the show was sold out). 
We got there around 4.30 pm and went to search for our friends who were already there. We happened to end up in the front row, since our lovely friends had been at the venue since 1 pm. The show started at 6 pm and was fucking amazing! Dan's voice is so good and they're even way better live than they're on their album. Here's a video:

more on my YouTube channel:

After the show we went straight to the backstage entry to meet them. And we actually did. They came out to meet us, even though the security guards said they won't (Never trust a security guard btw). If I remember it right Kyle was the first one to come to me and I let him sign my ticket. I also told him how much I liked his shirt, because it was actually really really cool. I don't know who came next, I think it was Woody. He's such a cute and nice lad and I regret not asking for a hug, haha. Will rushed by us and Kyle also rushed by my friends so we asked Dan to tell them to come back when we talked to him. And so he did. He went straight to them to tell them. Will came back and asked us if we were the girls Dan told him to come to. We talked to him for a while (mostly about his tattoo and how he got it when he was 15 and how his parents didn't knew about it). Kyle came back then and we also talked to him for a bit more. Inga asked him if they could sing 'We can't stop' by Miley Cyrus at the acoustic gig they had later that night. Kyle wasn't really sure about it, because they had only cover it once at Radio 1, haha. Then again Dan came back and we talked for some more. Afterwards the guys went back into the venue and we walked into the city to where their acoustic gig should be. I took some really cool photo there. They will be following after my photos with the guys! :)

After the acoustic gig we went back to the venue, because some of our friends hadn't met Bastille yet. Their tour bus was still there but they had to leave before meeting us again. We drove home like not real home, but to my friend Katha's house. When we wanted to make a stop at McDonald's something quite funny happened. When we stood at a traffic light the Bastille tour bus appeared next to us again even though they had left like five minutes earlier than us. 
What pissed me of that night was that most of the people there probably only knew Dan out of the band and that he got the most attention. I know that's the thing with good looking lead singers and I really do love Dan, but the other three guys are just as cool and lovely as Dan.

To summarize everything, the only thing that I can basically say is that Will, Kyle, Woody & Dan are some of the nicest and kindest people I've ever met. They so down to earth and really really thankful. They're pretty easy to talk to and quite funny, too. You just gotta love them. I honestly prefer Bastille over any other band. I also met some really cool people from Twitter, so big shout out to them, haha! 
The next post will be about the Passenger concert I went to the day after Bastille, but I won't most likely be uploading it today, because I really have to study for an important exam.
Hope you guys had an amazing weekend, too! :)

- Anne